“God will be your bodyguard to protect you when trouble is near. Not one bone will be broken.”  Psalms 34:20 TPT

Who / Where Do You Go To?

When your body or your mind is hurting and you’re in need of healing – what do you do and who do you turn to first for help?  It’s so easy to ‘run around like a headless chicken’ (as the saying goes) trying to find an answer!

David’s Answer

We can find answers to this question in the Word, and this is particularly true with what David has written in so many of the Psalms.  There are many Psalms in which he shares how down he’s feeling and doesn’t know what to do; but he does know ‘where to go’!  If you are familiar at all with the Psalms, you’ll know that his first port of call is ALWAYS to God.  Actually the sharing of his woes are with God, his request for help is to God, and his answer is usually to praise Him and in the midst of that he finds his answers from God!  What a wonderful example for us to follow.

My Bodyguard

In Psalm 34 David actually starts out by saying “I WILL praise the Lord at ALL times” – and that’s before he even begins to say what’s wrong.  Later in verse 20 of the same chapter, he tells us specifically that “God will be your bodyguard to protect you when trouble is near. Not one bone will be broken.” TPT

On Guard

We need to be on our guard for the enemy attacking us in our health, whether it be in our mind or our body, and go to the One who will strengthen us, sustain us and is able to heal us.

Stand firm in the protection of your personal bodyguard today.

Be blessed and give thanks.  🙏❣️