“….view our slight, short-lived troubles in the light of eternity. We see our difficulties as the substance that produces for us an eternal, weighty glory far beyond all comparison,”. 2 Corinthians 4:17 TPT

It’s Not a Walk in the Park!

I think all of us come to know and realise that, when we start to walk through life with Jesus, it’s not a ‘walk in the park’!  The Apostle Paul made no attempt to disguise the trials and difficulties he went through; and we aren’t expected to either – though few of us will experience the floggings and imprisonment, not to mention everything else, that Paul faced and went through.

But Paul, in spite of all he experienced, referred to them as ‘slight, short-lived troubles’ – how amazing is that, and why was he able to say it?  From what we read in the various translations – it was all because he viewed ‘these small troubles’ as “….helping us gain an eternal glory. That eternal glory is much greater than our troubles.” (2 Corinthians 4:17 ERV)

This Too Shall Pass

Basically Paul is saying that the “….difficult times don’t last forever” or, as the minister Joyce Meyer often says – “this too shall pass”.  Like all of us, Paul found it tough going through the trials, but his ‘mindset’ and goal, was that he had learned to keep his eyes on the prize of heaven and God’s glory.  

God’s Glory Alone is Permanent

What is your ‘mindset’?  Have you realised that the only permanent thing in your life, the goal you are aiming for, is to experience God’s glory?  That in the light of that – everything else fades away.  By God’s grace we can know that trouble, lack and sickness are only temporary.  Why?  It’s because God’s glory is the only thing that can be permanent in our lives!

Be blessed and encouraged as you walk with Jesus today 🙏❣️