“…we are certainly not those who are held back by fear and perish; we are among those who have faith and experience true life!”  Hebrews 10:39 TPT.   

Where Can I Go?

There came a point in Jesus ministry, after He had been sharing about being the bread for people to eat, when many people following decided they no longer wanted to!  When Jesus asked His ‘twelve’ if they were leaving as well – Peter spoke up.  He said to Jesus – “Where would we go, it’s You who have eternal life to give to us?” (John 6:69)

Have there been times in your walk with the Lord, when the enemy has thrown a bucketful of lies at you – and you’ve wondered if you are going to make it?  That’s the time when we need to be reminded of Peter’s response to Jesus’ question – “Where would we go?”.  Where would I go….  Where would you go?

Life of Jesus

Once we have the life of Jesus in us – how can we turn away and where on earth would we go?  The enemy would love to be our constant companion – but is that what we would want?  The author of Hebrews says very clearly “..we are certainly not those who are held back by fear and perish; we are among those who have faith and experience true life!” (Hebrews 10:39).  And just prior to this says ”…..do not lose the courage that you had in the past.”


He’s right about the ‘courage’ and, in another translation, it speaks of it as ‘patient endurance’.  We need to determine in our hearts that we will not quit – that’s when the Holy Spirit is there to strengthen us to stand against the enemy.  That’s when we need to declare out loud – “I am not a quitter, I will stay on the Lord’s side all the way.”  That’s when we need to spend time in God’s Word and be strengthened and built up by such scriptures as Joshua 1:9 – “Be strong and of good courage” and remember we are never alone.

Determine in your heart today that you are not going to quit, but will stay on the Lord’s side all the way.

Be blessed and encouraged.  God bless!!  🙏🔥🙌👏