“Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.”  Psalm 37:5 AMPC

How do you fare in the realm of getting things done?  In other words, what sort of approach and plans do you normally follow when you’re faced with a task ahead of you, which could well be difficult to tackle and complete!

If you’re like the majority of us you spend endless time working out how to do it and roping your friends in to help you sort it out.  And how many times does it start out alright, and then tends to go a bit pear-shaped along the way.  Leaving you stuck and with a mess you don’t know how to clear up and straighten out….

God’s Way?

But…. is this really the best way and, more to the point, is this God’s way?  You see, that’s not the way that David suggests, in Psalm 37:5, that we should follow!  God’s Word, through David, actually says that we should “Commit your way to the Lord”!  And, as the Passion translation puts it – “Give God the right to direct your life”.

We all basically need to let go of the way we want to do things and let God show us how and what to do!  If we would follow the instructions that He gives us and put our trust in Him – then He will help us to complete the task in hand – in His timing.

Do Our Part

If we do what the Lord shows us to do, and are able to do – then He will do those things that we cannot do!  And the end will be successful….

We can Declare today that:   “Supernatural supplies are coming to me from diverse sources.”

Be blessed and have a great day with Jesus!!  🙏❣️