“He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters.” Psalm 23:2 AMPC
Being a shepherd and looking after your sheep is a whole different ball game in the Middle East – in countries like Israel. In countries in the west, such as the United Kingdom, rain is usually plentiful and there is plenty of grass! To a certain extent you could say that the sheep virtually look after themselves a good part of the time. In winter, if there’s a lot of snow, they’ll often need extra food; and, of course, they need extra care in the lambing season. The way of moving the sheep from one location to another when necessary is also different. The sheep are ‘driven’ ahead, with the shepherd behind them, and usually they are helped by sheep dogs, to reach their destination.
However, in the Middle East the case is very different, and the work of the shepherd is far more comprehensive. There is often very little rain, causing a scarcity of grass and it’s often difficult to find shade from the sun. They also often need to be kept safe from any other animals on the hunt for the same commodities, especially food!
Therefore, the Middle Eastern shepherd doesn’t ‘drive’ his sheep – he leads them. They learn to trust him to find the water, the grass, and the shade that they’re in need of; and to trust him to keep them safe.
Our Shepherd
Sound familiar? That’s exactly what our Shepherd, Jesus, wants to do for each one of us – if we’ll follow His lead and let Him. He wants us to build a love relationship with Him and trust Him in every way possible, and to learn how to rest in His love.
Be blessed as you walk with Jesus in green pastures and rest in His love. 🙏❣️