“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 AMPC
Presence of God
When David acknowledges that it’s the Lord Who “…..will show me the path of life….” he also reveals that the ‘life’ the path is leading us to is actually the presence of God. It is there that we find ‘fullness of joy’ and that at God’s “….right hand there are pleasures for evermore….”.
From Now to Eternity
The amazing and encouraging thing is that it isn’t just something we’ll receive when we go to be with Him in heaven. When we have a living relationship with the Lord here on earth we can live in His presence on a day to day basis. When we either die or Jesus returns, we will continue in His presence for all eternity!
I love the way that the Passion translation expresses this:
“For You bring me a continual revelation of resurrection life, the path to the bliss that brings me face-to-face with You.”
Held by Father’s Hand
We can, therefore, live our lives with the certainty that our Father has us by the hand. He is leading us through our lives in the direction He has planned for us. He is the One who’ll help us through the difficult places. He is the One Who will comfort us in the sad moments; and the One Who will rejoice with us at all times.
“I know I’m going in the right direction because I am holding God’s hand.”
Be blessed and encouraged today 🙏❣️