Resting in God

Resting in God

“He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters.”  Psalm 23:2 AMPC Life As a Shepherd Being a shepherd and looking after your sheep is a whole different ball game in the Middle East, in countries...
Fighting My Battles

Fighting My Battles

Whose Battle is it? Tell me – when you’re involved in a battle of any sort – who do you turn to for help?  Or do you just ‘battle it out’ on your own – the best you can? We’re told of a mighty battle that King Jehoshaphat was facing against his...
He breaks the iron bars

He breaks the iron bars

“I will go before you and level the mountains [to make the crooked places straight]; I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron.” Isaiah 45:2 (AMPC) Cyrus – King of Persia I’d like to share a bit more about this verse from...
Getting To The Heart Of The Matter!

Getting To The Heart Of The Matter!

The Attitude Of Our Hearts Yesterday morning the Lord took me to a verse (2 Chronicles 25:2) that I didn’t recall reading before – although I knew I must have done, because I’ve read both books of Chronicles previously!  The ‘He’ referred to is a chap called...
Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Challenges! I wonder what sort of challenge(s) you might be facing in your life at the moment, whether small, big or seemingly insurmountable?  And, more to the point – what you’re thinking of doing about them! Let’s look at two examples in the Word, both of...