Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Challenges! I wonder what sort of challenge(s) you might be facing in your life at the moment, whether small, big or seemingly insurmountable?  And, more to the point – what you’re thinking of doing about them! Let’s look at two examples in the Word, both of...
God is Faithful

God is Faithful

Hello again friends! How is your week progressing?  I do hope you’re being blessed and encouraged in your walk with Jesus and are rejoicing in Him…. Earlier in the week I posted a piece on my Author Facebook page about making decisions and trusting God because He is...
Talking to God

Talking to God

The Month of  June Welcome to this new month of June….. and all that Father has on His heart, that He has planned especially for each one of us – in love.  Exciting!  Praying too that the good weather will continue and allow us all to be out exploring His...
A New Adventure

A New Adventure

Thank you for joining me on this new adventure that I’m setting out on!  Please feel free to comment / ask questions in the Comment box provided – but don’t forget your contact details if you hope for an answer….! 😅 Talk about a learning curve!  I’ve never had...