“May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.” Romans 15:13 AMPC
Shekinah Glory
In the Old Covenant the glory of the Tabernacle was not its rich tapestries, but the Shekinah Glory that dwelt there. In the New Covenant it’s the fact that the Spirit of the the Living God (the Holy Spirit) lives in the body of a Christian, so that we become nothing less than the house of God.
Paul says, when writing to the Romans (and it’s for us as well!), that his desire is that “….. the God of your HOPE…fill you with all joy and peace in believing….” – this is so we “….. may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.”. How is this possible? It’s by the power of the Holy Spirit living in us! Hallelujah!!
That’s when the ‘Joy’ in us flows out and affects all those around us, especially our families. But we all experience times when instead of Joy we’re full of ‘heaviness’ and, unfortunately, that also flows out to others too.
This is often because we’re ‘doubting instead of believing’ and we become negative in our thinking, instead of positive. Doubt can so easily creep up on us and we need to remind ourselves of the promises in God’s Word. Doubt will always steal our joy, but believing what God says in His Word, releases it!
Remember: Doubt – always steals your Joy BUT Belief in God’s Word – releases it.
Be blessed 🙏❣️