“…..the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].”  Daniel 11:32 AMPC

God Has Given Me His Grace

The wonderful promise contained in this verse was given by God to Daniel, through an Angel.  It was at a time when there was a great amount of fighting going on amongst various kings and countries, and a lot of pressure was being put on God’s people to help the different factions, and forsake following their God.  

But, the message came to encourage them to stand firm in their belief, and they would be given strength and do great things for their God.

God’s Promises Never Change

This promise, as is true of all the promises in the Word of God, holds true for us today – just as much as it did for the Israelites all those hundreds of years ago.  God’s promises never change, or lose their strength and neither does God’s grace that comes with them – that enables us to stand on those promises and hold them fast.

In the many difficulties and challenges that we face today, that often seem impossible to cope with and overcome – we can believe and trust God.  We can experience His grace and strength to face whatever the enemy might be throwing against us – and accomplish things which we would never have believed possible on our own.

That is the very reason we can declare with confidence that…. 

“There is a special grace on my life to do uncommon exploits.” 

Be blessed 🙏❣️