“There failed no part of any good thing which the Lord had promised to the house of Israel; all came to pass.”  Joshua 21:45 AMPC

Faith or Fear

I wonder what Joshua felt like when he found out that he was expected to step into Moses’ ‘shoes’, and take over leading the Israelites into the promised land.  Remember, he had travelled with Moses through the wilderness – and he would have known precisely why it wasn’t Moses doing the leading into Canaan…..

My God Fulfils Every Promise

Joshua was there when Moses struck the rock for water in obedience to God – but he was also there when he did it again without God’s ‘say-so’!  When God told Joshua he would succeed  Moses and lead the Israelites, he also made him a promise:  “….As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5).  Joshua would have known that God would keep His Word.  In fact, our verse today refers to later, when the Israelites are in their ‘promised land’ (the name rather gives it away) and he says that none of God’s promises had failed to happen.

Here is a man who has seen the promises of God come to pass in his leader – Moses; in the life of his nation – Israel; and, even closer to home – in and throughout his own life.  It had left him with no doubt in his heart – he knew, without a shadow of doubt, that when God made a promise – He would ALWAYS bring it to pass.

How about you?  

Do you have that realisation in your own life – and in the lives of those you love?  Can you, in complete honesty say with boldness that:  “ANY outstanding promise on my life IS coming to pass.” – and trust Father that He will complete His promise to you?…..

Declare:  “ANY outstanding promise on my life IS coming to pass.”

Be blessed and encouraged in your walk with the Lord 🙏❣️