“I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you and will put his finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!”  Philippians 1:6 TPT

My Choice?

When you look forward in your life – how confident do you feel about where you’re going, and whether you’re heading where you want to go?  First we need to determine if we’re going in the direction God wants us to – or if it’s one of our own choosing….  If we’re making the choice for ourselves – we have a serious choice to make!

If we are following the way God has chosen for us, but it’s not happening quickly enough and we’re feeling frustrated – then we need to go to God’s Word for the support we need.  Our verse for today’s declaration is exactly what we need to stand on!  Hallelujah!

He Began It – and He Will End It

Paul tells us so clearly that once God has started a ‘work’ in you – He’s not going to stop until He’s completed it…..  God ALWAYS finishes what He starts – that’s Father’s promise.  We have to do our part and continue with what He’s given us to do.  

Do Not Give Up

We must not give up – even when it feels we’re going nowhere – that’s when we really have to trust Him.  It’s all too easy to start something and not finish it.  BUT – He’s promised us that He won’t give up – our part is to stick at it and to do the same….  There’s no way that God will have started something in your life – if He didn’t have the intention of finishing it.  I think that is such a comfort!

It means that we can be confident in declaring today’s declaration….

“My story will have a good ending in the name of Jesus.”    

Be blessed out of your boots today as you walk with Jesus! 🙏❣️