You are a hiding place for me; You, Lord, preserve me from trouble, You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!”  Psalm 32:7 AMPC.

Who Do You Run To?

David knew what to do and who to run to when he found himself in trouble; although there was an occasion in his early days of being king – when he blew it.  He tried to cover up his sin for a time, but eventually confessed it to God and repented and that, in fact, took him deeper into his relationship with his God.  Who do you run to when there’s trouble around you and you desperately need help?

You Are My Hiding Place

I think for most of us our instinct is to hide and find somewhere that is safe and pray someone, somewhere will come and help us….  In our verse today David is saying quite clearly and openly to the Lord that he runs to Him.  Why?  He runs to Him because he has found that He is a ‘hiding place’ for him to hide from trouble – not only that, He surrounds him with ‘songs and shouts of deliverance’.  I mean, what more could he ask for?!

A Love Relationship

I believe that, as we spend more time with the Lord and read more of His Word, we build up our relationship with Him.  And, as we build up that relationship, so we become more secure and stronger in our day to day walk with Him – and that strengthens us against the lies and attacks the enemy throws at us.

I would encourage all of us to keep ‘building up’ our love relationship with the One who, more than any other, wants us to know He is a safe hiding place for each one of us.

Be blessed in all you do with Jesus today 🙏❣️