“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker-worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmer-worm, my great army which I sent among you.” Joel 2:25 ASV
The Biblical meaning of the word ‘restoration’ actually means to bring something, whether it be physical or possibly a situation or circumstance of some sort; to bring it back and return it to its former or original state. But how, in so many cases, can that possibly be feasible to accomplish or, in some cases, even think about doing?
Joel declares that the Lord has said “I will restore to you” the ‘lost’ years. Is that just wishful thinking, has he heard the right message from God? I think that we’ve all known what it’s like to have experienced the results of sin in our lives. But how many of us have experienced the ‘restoration’ that Joel has spoken about here?
Grace and Mercy
God can bring healing and restoration through His Grace and mercy. The ‘damage’ can be repaired through the death of Jesus on the cross – the damage that we have done and, also, the damage that has been done to us! The miracle of the grace of God is, that He can make the past as though it had never been!!
So, if you have ANY such things in your life still, that need to be dealt with….bring ALL of them to your loving Father….let Him carry out whatever restoration you may need to take place in your life.
Be richly blessed as you walk with Jesus today! 🙏❣️