“But as they arrived, they looked up and saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled aside.”  Mark 16:4 NLT

My Father Rolls the Stones Away

As the women made their way, on the morning after the Sabbath, to the place of Jesus’ burial – their biggest concern was the ‘stone’.  They knew a very big stone had been placed at the entrance to the tomb and they had absolutely no idea how they could possibly move it!  But – it didn’t stop them going….  

When they arrived they found the stone had already been moved away and were told by a young man in white, an Angel in fact, that Jesus wasn’t there because He had risen.

How often do we find ourselves in that sort of a situation?  We have a very big stone blocking our way forward and it seems impossible for us to be able to move it and carry out what we believe the Lord is wanting us to do.  But… that’s the very time we need to keep going forward.  That’s when we need to believe that God will have His angels on assignment there to roll the obstacles out of our way.  

Have you realised that God sends Angels on assignment to roll away all the heavy stuff that blocks our breakthroughs.?  We can trust that whatever the enemy is trying to do to block us, will be moved out of the way.

God Will Do It

We need to do what we can do, that is to trust God and keep moving forward.  And God will do what we can’t do – remove the ‘stone’ that’s blocking us!

Be blessed and encouraged 🙏❣️