But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.  Luke 12:7 KJV 

In our relationships with those around us, our strongest ‘bonds’ are with those we know who love and care for us.  In other words, those we feel secure with.  For us to know that God cares for us, we have to believe that He loves us, and be secure in His love.  

Are You Sure?

Worry can be very destructive and usually leads to fear!  Luke says how Jesus told His disciples very clearly that they were not to fear.  This is a command, not an option!  He said to them, just as He says to us, that even the hairs on our head are numbered; that even the sparrows are not forgotten by Him and we are of much more value to Him.

But, and to many this is a big ‘but’, how do we stop ourselves from worrying?  We get so deeply immersed in our worries that we can’t see the ‘wood for the trees’ and it takes over our lives and we start slipping into fear.  Which is exactly where the enemy wants us to be!

How Can We Stop Worrying?

This is when we need to turn our thoughts away from what we’re worrying about, and take them in another direction!  We need to remind ourselves of all the Lord has done for us in the past – even to the point of writing a list, if that helps….  We need to read His Word every day and, especially, take note of Matthew 6:34 where Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, but to concentrate on ‘today’, because tomorrow ‘will take care of itself’.  

One Day at a Time

Our Father gives us enough Grace for one day at a time.  Remember, when the Israelites were in the wilderness – they were given manna (food) for exactly one day at a time.  And that’s what He wants us to do – to live one day at a time.  Believe me it works!  We don’t have to take upon us all the cares of the coming days….  All we need to do is to concentrate and to ‘walk through today with Jesus’ – and let Him love us as He wants to!

Rest in the certainty and knowledge that God loves and cares for you. 🙏❣️