……my God, Father of eternity, please don’t let me die! I know my life is not yet finished.” Psalms 102:24 TPT

My Times are in Your Hands

I do believe that we all would experience so much more of God’s peace and security in our hearts and lives, if we could only get it settled in our spirits that ‘our times’ are in the hands of our Heavenly Father.  What do I mean by this?  I mean….. if we had a certainty within our spirits that ‘our times’, by which I mean each and every day, are in the control of Almighty God – what would we have to worry about?

David says to the Lord in Psalm 31 that he knows that “My life, my every moment, my destiny—it’s all in your hands.” (Psalms 31:15 TPT).  The Psalmist in Psalm 102, acknowledges that his God is the Father of eternity (v24) and asks him not to let him die yet – sure that he still had things to do, and that his Father would enable him to do them.  

Nothing that anyone can do to us, and that includes our biggest enemy satan, can take our life from us prematurely.  As born again believers and ‘covered by the blood of Jesus’ – NOTHING is able to destroy us!

God’s Time

Jesus will take us home to be with Him for all eternity, at exactly the time that He has ordained for us – not a minute (or even a second) early or late.  Think about it!  And let the certainty and security get established in your spirit and relax, because your Father knows exactly the ‘timing’ He has planned for you to leave the earth – just as he planned your arrival and birth!

Remember….  Our time here on earth isn’t over until we have completed ALL that Father has planned for us!  And be encouraged and blessed in everything He has given us to do in His Kingdom.

God bless 🙏❣️